Dec 16, · Research Papers in Education, Volume 36, Issue 5 () Articles. Article. Estimating causal effects of class size in secondary education: evidence from TIMSS. Ting Shen & Spyros Konstantopoulos. Pages: Published online: 16 Dec Mar 28, · Research Aim: The widespread Coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown have disrupted the education of many students, including school, college, and university levels. This study will identify the online programs offered through various platforms, schools, colleges, and Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins TITLE: A SAMPLE RESEARCH PAPER ON ASPECTS OF ELEMENTARY LINEAR ALGEBRA MAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr. J. Jones (Begin the abstract here, typewritten and double-spaced. A thesis abstract should consist of words or less including the heading. A page and one-half is approximately words.) iiiFile Size: KB
Education Dissertation Topics and Titles - Research Prospect
This hierarchical form of questioning has been used by teachers to inform instruction, curriculum, and assessment. This study also looked at the role grade level 1, 3, and 4 and type of classroom setting inclusion or special education pull-out may have played in the frequency of higher level questions asked during instruction.
Data was collected through observations of teacher directed lessons. Every question that the teacher asked to the students was recorded and labeled with a level of the taxonomy. The frequency of each question type was analyzed. Previous research indicates that higher levels of thinking are lacking from instruction at the elementary grade level.
The results of the present study were consistent with the previous research. This manual is intended to aid school systems in creating moral education programs for middle and high school aged children. A moral education curriculum is developed using the research and commentaries of many psychologists.
Ideas include a focus on volunteer work, ideas on discipline, and ways to bring morals into the classroom by integrating them into relevant subject matter. Research thesis on education recent years, many researchers have been conducting studies on similar programs, and many have shown positive outcomes. Studies have shown increases in positive race relations, fewer incidences of cheating, better student-teacher relationships, and stronger values in children.
Although a college-level education can be received at both public and private institutes of higher learning, when it comes down to it, is the student is paying mainly for the name of his or her college, rather than the quality of education?
A comparison between Endicott College, a small private college located in the northeastern part of Massachusetts, and Fitchburg State Univeristy, a small State University located in the northern part of Research thesis on education, tested the hypothesis that the quality of education does not vary much between these schools.
Although areas of concentration and services varied in some areas such as housing accommodations and parking, there were also many areas in which the two schools had similarities. These similarities include the forms of accreditation, NCAA intercollegiate sports, dining services, etc. However, because of state dictated course work as well as other factors required for graduation, research thesis on education, it seems that the colleges varied little in the academic format, research thesis on education.
The determining factor when comparing these two schools is the effort of the student, not the public or private sector. It the personal interest of wanting to be an elementary school teacher that has brought this project to life, research thesis on education.
Communication is a tool that people use everyday. As an educator, it is your responsibility to teach children how to form, create, and express new ideas. Without the ability to communicate, learning would come to a screeching halt.
Both words and pictures will be put together to provide a genuine literary experience. The paper discusses specific elements of the book, and what purpose they serve in helping young children to communicate more effectively, research thesis on education. My service-based project was carried out at the Boys and Girls Club after school program on the Fitchburg State University campus.
Twice a week for the duration of the fall semester, volunteers from the Fitchburg State University community implemented a themed activity for the students at the Boys and Girls Club. Each Tuesday, a team of college students led a musically based session, and on Wednesdays the students were engaged in hands-on science experiments. The paper accompanying the project served as an analytic comparison between the Boys and Girls Club after school program and the 21st Century Scholars after school program held at McKay Campus School, research thesis on education.
The T. Spirit program stressed both cooperation and individual participation, research thesis on education. Beyond the central benefit brought to the children, research thesis on education, I hoped to promote the values of community involvement and service through this project.
The enthusiastic commitment of the volunteers paired with the varied activities provided opportunities for both mentoring and for academic and social growth. My conclusions displayed that the Boys and Girls Club and the 21st Century Scholars after school program are organizations with two distinctly different, yet safe and worthwhile approaches to accommodating young people, and that volunteerism and community involvement further enrich these programs. Multiculturalism in education is an important issue to many school personnel, but perhaps may be of utmost importance to beginning teachers.
These teachers may find themselves in multicultural classrooms for the first time, which can be a difficult adjustment. Therefore, the diverse needs of the class are a new obstacle to overcome. This guide is being created to aid beginning educators with teaching in a multicultural environment. Four surveys addressing attitudes toward multiculturalism and responses to hypothetical scenarios will be administered to the following groups: teachers of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, teachers of first through third grades, students with no teaching experience, and students with education majors or concentrations.
It is expected that teachers in multicultural classrooms will be more sensitive to diverse student needs. On the other hand, students who have not been exposed to such environments may have different approaches when responding to the hypothetical situations in the surveys.
The final product will consist of a guide for beginning teachers including discussion of the survey results, a review of current literature regarding multiculturalism in education, as well as some suggestions for teaching effectively in a diverse environment. Because adolescence is a time of extreme change and questioning, many youths feel alone or inadequate. The purpose of this project was to investigate the use of guided interaction and art in order to build confidence in middle school aged children, as well as encourage them to feel comfortable expressing themselves and opening up to others.
This was done to provide an opportunity to show them that they are not as different from each other as they may believe and to gather information through their comments, questions, and actions in reference to what they are thinking and feeling. A group of middle-schoolers participated in various planned activities, including collage making, working with clay, and drawing, which provided opportunities for conversations and questioning.
The children were given freedom to express themselves through their creations, and this allowed a welcoming atmosphere where students could share what was on their minds freely, research thesis on education. Due to the ongoing nature of this project, results will be finalized at a later date through a reflection written by the program coordinator. Managing one's classroom in an effective way is an essential component to achieving a successful school year for research thesis on education the students and the teacher.
However, managing a classroom is difficult and sometimes daunting task. As Sadker and Zittleman explain, "Teachers must manage more than thirty major transitions every day, from one content area to another, though different instructional activities, research thesis on education through a myriad of routines Many research thesis on education have different approaches as to how they manage their classrooms.
One approach is Responsive Classroom. The developers of this approach believe that it is important to develop a student's social well being in addition to the growth of academic skills.
By using strategies such as Morning Meeting, student-teacher collaboration in the creation of rules, positive teacher language and providing academic choice, research thesis on education, teachers who use the Responsive Classroom approach hope to create a safe and productive environment in which children can learn.
For my thesis, I will use a set of protocol to observe a classroom that follows the principles of Responsive Classroom and one that does not. In addition, I will conduct research using scholarly articles in order to further investigate this topic. My findings will be presented through a professional development workshop that will by offered at Fitchburg State University.
Research has shown that in the past few generations, the population of immigrants in the United States has tripled. Squire Office of Policy Research, Through my field-based experience and the research I have read over the past two to three years, I have found a need for stronger curricula and units geared towards English Language Learners. In some cases, ELLs are pulled out of their regular classroom for language support by a trained ELL teacher.
In these classrooms, research thesis on education, however, the teachers are still required to use the same curricula as the rest of the teachers and then modify it to fit the needs of the ELL students. The goal of this thesis project was to create a specific unit for Sheltered English Immersion classrooms that is geared toward ELL students, research thesis on education, providing them and their teachers with the necessary framework, lesson plans, and materials to promote student learning.
because there is still a deficiency in the knowledge research thesis on education of many teachers about ELL students and their needs, this thesis was prefaced with an introduction about second language acquisition and the needs of this growing group of students. One of the most despised subject types in school from elementary levels to continuing education is that of Mathematics.
This project is to find out why this subject is so abhorred by students and what could make the learning of math easier on both the student and the teacher. All types of learning and teaching methods research thesis on education be discussed in relation to mathematics.
Classes encompassing math of almost all uppers levels of schooling high school and university will be observed. Also, the teachers will be interviewed to find a way to implement an effective way of teaching mathematics in a classroom. For seven years, the No Child Left Behind Act NCLB signed by President George W. Bush, has been the target of monumental criticism and mixed praise. It has been altered, revised, and debated by countless educated professionals.
Currently, inNCLB is up for rewriting. This project will present the history of NCLB, central arguments surrounding this piece of legislature, and how NCLB could evolve in the years to come. Some of the research for this project includes personal experience from within public school settings as well as literature and online sources. Though the aspects of NCLB are questionable to some, it is clear that NCLB directly impacts the teaching practices and objectives for all current teachers and future teachers in Massachusetts public schools.
Mathematics instruction in the elementary classroom involves many teaching strategies. Best practice is derived from historically classic theories of teaching and is supported by present day research. Research thesis on education is evidently clear that effective teaching encompasses many instructional strategies that involve ideas such as cooperative learning, multiple intelligences, concrete connections, problem solving, critical thinking, differentiated instruction, and necessary accommodations.
In the subject area of mathematics, supplementary games can incorporate these fundamental teaching practices, while also promoting higher level thinking. I conducted a study to investigate the correlation between supplemental mathematical games used in mathematics instruction and student achievement, motivation, and engagement. Specifically, I evaluated the performance of two diverse groups of third grade students in an urban elementary school by comparing pre- and post-test data in the content areas of multiplication and division according to the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for Mathematics.
With the third grade teacher, I implemented a unit introducing the concept of multiplication without the support or use of research thesis on education mathematical games. Then, I implemented another unit introducing the concept of division infused with supplementary mathematical games to address both skill and content standards.
In addition to the academic assessment, the students were given a survey regarding motivation and engagement. The results of the study showed that on average there was a higher percentage of increase from pre- to post-test assessments with division, and the majority of students felt more excited and interested when supplemental math games were employed. The Special Olympics is an organization that began inwhen Research thesis on education Kennedy Shriver organized a camp for children with intellectual disabilities.
The official start of the Special Olympics games was in Chicago in It began with only 1, athletes from 26 U. states and Canada competing in athletics, floor hockey and aquatics.
Today there are 2. This project begins by reviewing the origins and benefits of Special Olympics. I have been recruiting since last semester and have a large base of volunteers, research thesis on education. There is much planning that has to be done in order to make the Special Olympics run smoothly, and as the student liaison with the Special Olympics Massachusetts staff most of this rests on my shoulders. There are weekly or biweekly meetings research thesis on education ensure that all roles are being fulfilled satisfactorily.
Every detail must be planned, from food that will be provided to the athletes to how the facilities must be set up and tents arranged. As the final component of this project, I have explored the costs and benefits of integrating Service Learning into an academic curriculum. The growing need for after-school programs as both educational and social supplements to the classroom cannot be ignored any longer.
Students need reinforcement of concepts that extend beyond the classroom, research thesis on education, as well as the presence of positive relationships to build social skills.
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, time: 12:20Best Education Research Topics & Ideas
Dec 16, · Research Papers in Education, Volume 36, Issue 5 () Articles. Article. Estimating causal effects of class size in secondary education: evidence from TIMSS. Ting Shen & Spyros Konstantopoulos. Pages: Published online: 16 Dec TITLE: A SAMPLE RESEARCH PAPER ON ASPECTS OF ELEMENTARY LINEAR ALGEBRA MAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr. J. Jones (Begin the abstract here, typewritten and double-spaced. A thesis abstract should consist of words or less including the heading. A page and one-half is approximately words.) iiiFile Size: KB My thesis project researches the effects of current theories related to arts education and how strategies are implemented in schools. My presentation will show an analysis of current research studies as related to academic achievement, social benefits, interdisciplinary approaches and diverse learners
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