Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Raft assignment examples

Raft assignment examples

raft assignment examples

 · The RAFT is a way of giving students a choice of topic and style while still maintaining the focus of the writing objective. RAFT is an acronym for Role, Audience, Form, and Theme. Given a choice, students will compose a written piece from a number of options. Here is an example how how this type of assignment would work For example, after reading the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, review some of the major themes of the story with students -- friendship, pursuing one’s dreams, loneliness/loss, etc. Ask students to create their own RAFT prompt based on one of these themes (such as, “write a poem from Lennie’s viewpoint to the rabbits in the story to describe their importance to him”)  · Raft assignment examples. About 10 years ago, I was introduced to RAFT writing assignments. They are perspective-based, creative writing assignments that can be used in just about any course. Differentiate the heck out of it – length, research requirements, topic

RAFT Writing Prompts | HistoryRewriter

When students are given a choice of writing topics and can choose one that interests them the most, they are typically more motivated and produce a better writing sample as a result. This idea of choice can go even further with a choice of writing style and topic. The RAFT is a way of giving students a choice of topic and style while still maintaining the focus of the writing objective. RAFT is an acronym for R ole, A udience, F orm, and T heme. Given a choice, students will compose a written piece from a number of options.

Here is an example how how this type of assignment would work. Students read a short story about a student named Delphine in Québec. She is very involved in all of her school activities raft assignment examples students read all the details about her school life, raft assignment examples.

After engaging in reading activities see Reading Activities in the Reading categorystudents are given a choice of topics and writing styles. Generally, the options get progressively more challenging, so a teacher may ask a student to choose two of raft assignment examples less challenging options or one of the more challenging assignments.

Based on the Delphine story, here are some RAFT writing options:. Essentially, raft assignment examples, if a student were to choose number one, he would draw on details from the story to write a note from Delphine to friend about plans for Friday night. For number two, he would write raft assignment examples email from the Yearbook Adviser to Delphine about the sports page.

If he were to choose number three he would write a speech by the principal to be delivered to families about an award that Delphine is receiving. This type of writing assignment allows students the opportunity to write in different ways formally, raft assignment examples, informally on topics of interest to them, while remaining within the parameters of the assignment. Detailed examples of RAFT Activities. World Language Classroom.

Tips, tools and resources to help your students rise in proficiency and communicate with confidence. Skip to content. The RAFT Writing Process in the Foreign Language Classroom Posted on Leave a comment. R oles A udience F orm T heme Here is an example how how this type of assignment would work.

Based on the Delphine story, here are some RAFT writing options: Essentially, if a student were to choose number one, he would draw on details from the story to write a note from Delphine to friend about plans for Friday night.

Detailed examples of RAFT Activities Share this: Tweet. Like this: Like Loading This entry was posted in Classroom ProceduresWriting and tagged RAFTWriting, raft assignment examples. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Search for:. Create a website or blog at WordPress.

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Introduction to R.A.F.T.

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RAFT (Role, Audience, Format, Topic) | UDL Strategies - Goalbook Toolkit

raft assignment examples

For example, after reading the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, review some of the major themes of the story with students -- friendship, pursuing one’s dreams, loneliness/loss, etc. Ask students to create their own RAFT prompt based on one of these themes (such as, “write a poem from Lennie’s viewpoint to the rabbits in the story to describe their importance to him”) Primary RAFT Example RAFT EXAMPLE! This RAFT is designed to be used by student in a second grade class as they are learning about endangered and extinct animals in science and natural resources in social studies. Students have been studying both topics for a number of days before they do the blogger.com Size: KB Introduce RAFT by creating a story collectively using the Language Experience Approach. The second time you assign RAFT, have each group prepare one. Model for students, explaining that all writers must consider their role as a writer, their audience, the format, and the topic These four components are critical in every written assignment. Assist

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