May 14, · One CU Boulder junior has found being cut-off from in-person interactions has taken a toll on her mental state. For a CU Boulder freshman, COVID is the sickest she’s ever been. She worries many aren’t taking health precautions seriously enough to protect people like her immunocompromised family Eligibility to Enroll in Credit Courses. You need a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma to enroll in credit courses. If you are under 22 years of age as of Sept. 15 for fall or Jan. 15 for spring and not officially admitted or enrolled in a CU Boulder degree program, you must meet criteria similar to those of freshmen entering the university Apr 15, · CU Boulder does not require the optional SAT essay section or SAT Subject tests. Note that University of Colorado participates in the scorechoice program, which means that the admissions office will consider your highest score from each individual section across all SAT test dates
Admission Requirements < University of Colorado Boulder
From left, clockwise: Erinn Shea, Kelsey Rickert, Katie Gach, Monica Huacuja Espinosa and Morgan Barnes. Courtesy photos. One CU Boulder junior has found being cut-off from in-person interactions cu boulder essay taken a toll on her mental state. In just a matter of weeks, the novel coronavirus pandemic has drastically reshaped life for college students.
The CU Independent wanted to understand some of the many ways the highly contagious respiratory disease has created a new normal, so we set out to survey CU Boulder students between April 18 and May 7. Over those weeks, cu boulder essay, students responded, with five being interviewed.
This is what they told us. Fourth-year graduate student Katie Gach is trying to take it one day at a time. Now, she and her spouse have cut down on their day-time work hours to care for their young child, trading off on shifts in between meetings. Gach has had to work longer nights to catch up on her doctoral research.
While she would usually clock out for the night at around 10 p. or midnight. CU is already bracing for a bleak financial outlook. But she also wants to see it continue in order to protect lower-income employees. A member of the newly formed system-wide CU unionGach is supportive of the open letter the union released on its website on March 27 which lays out a list of actions for CU to take to protect various campus workers. While she said she is lucky to have a joint-income with her spouse, there are many graduate students who would suffer if their pay and benefits from CU were cut, cu boulder essay.
As she waits for more news from CU administrators, Gach is also keeping up with the updates from the daycare. Boulder Valley, like many other Colorado districts, is still uncertain about what fall will mean for its students, though scenarios released by the district last week include a possible blend of in-person and online learning.
But Gach is confident she and her partner will figure it out. With so much to be anxious about, she wants other student parents to know to go easy on themselves, cu boulder essay.
For some students, months of social isolation have taken a heavy toll on their mental health. We had a couple of weeks there that we were going really strong and starting initiatives like a food drive. With the campuses cu boulder essay closure, that too has been uprooted. I felt like she really understood me. That fall semester was the first time Rickert had been involved in therapy. I was starting to run out of funds … cu boulder essay I can put some money away in my savings account in case I can afford rent for an apartment or something like that.
Rickert said if prices drop she may consider renting an apartment in Boulder instead of returning to Bear Creek. That is if she decides to return to school at all. Her advice to those facing challenges like hers is to adapt in ways that make you happy. Senior Erinn Shea said COVID has affected nearly every aspect of her life.
Following the beginning of the COVID pandemic, Shea moved from Boulder to Littleton to stay with her parents. In recent weeks, she has struggled with the impact of losing senior year traditions, working post-graduation and worrying about family members like her elderly grandparents and her father who works as an oncology nurse.
Even small pleasures cu boulder essay hugging her father when he gets home from work have been stripped away, cu boulder essay. While coping with such emotional stresses, Shea has been trying to balance her well-being with her academic obligations.
As CU Cu boulder essay transitioned to online-only classes, Shea said the quality of her education has taken a hit. Losing the social and independent aspects of college, cu boulder essay, Shea said that even her most accommodating professors cannot make Zoom courses as effective as in-person learning.
In addition, Shea said that hiring freezes and the furloughing of recent graduates have made her future suddenly very unstable. As Shea enters the future in a time of uncertainty, she is most concerned about how things will be after; what lasting mental health effects are going to come out of the pandemic. To monitor her mental health during the pandemic, Shea has been using an app to track her emotions daily and provide meditations. However, she hopes the global trauma from COVID will encourage society to put more support systems in place for people dealing with mental health issues.
Monica Huacuja Espinosa is a junior majoring in ecology and evolutionary biology and pre-health. She is also a first generation college student, which has been an added stressor in dealing with repercussions of the novel coronavirus pandemic.
In addition to studying for finals, Huacuja Espinosa took on the task of acting as a translator for her Spanish-speaking parents as they refinance their mortgage. Normally, she said, such documents could be delivered physically cu boulder essay an in-person translator would be available.
In addition to assisting her parents, Huacuja Espinosa was also tasked with helping her younger brother continue with middle school online, including using Google Classroom, Zoom and other virtual resources. Freshman Morgan Barnes began showing symptoms of COVID on Cu boulder essay, April Doctors believed she likely had strep throat when her initial test that Friday came back negative, cu boulder essay.
I could barely open my eyes. Barnes has an autoimmune disorder, which places her at risk of severe illness more often than most.
She said after testing positive she was told the virus could spread through air ducts and said even the most extreme self-isolation would not have been enough to stop the spread in her home. She wants everyone cu boulder essay take it health precautions seriously cu boulder essay of age or health. Contact Outgoing CU Independent Editor-in-Chief Robert Tann at robert. tann colorado. Contact Incoming CU Independent Editor-in-Chief Anna Haynes at anna. haynes colorado.
Contact Outgoing CU Independent Managing Editor Hannah Metzger at hannah. metzger colorado. Contact CU Independent Assistant Photo Editor and Data Visualizer Casey Paul at casey, cu boulder essay.
paul colorado. Coronavirus Longform News. by Robert Tann, Hannah Metzger, Anna Haynes, cu boulder essay, Casey Paul May 14, Katie Gach, Cu boulder essay student Fourth-year graduate student Katie Gach is trying to take it one day at a time. Katie Gach. Courtesy photo. Where are you currently living? Kelsey Rickert, Junior For some students, months of social isolation have taken a heavy toll on their mental health.
Erinn Shea, Graduated senior Senior Erinn Shea said COVID has affected nearly every aspect of her life. Erinn Shea. How stressed are you cu boulder essay What is your greatest stressor currently? Monica Huacuja Espinosa, Junior Monica Huacuja Espinosa is a junior majoring in ecology and evolutionary biology and pre-health. Monica Huacuja Espinosa. Did you receive a stimulus check from the federal government? If you received financial aid, where did you receive it from?
Morgan Barnes, cu boulder essay. Robert Tann, Hannah Metzger, Anna Haynes, Casey Paul. Read More. Cu boulder essay Jack Kroll announces he will not run for October 6, CU Boulder has no plans to resume COVID monitoring October 5, Center for Inclusion and Social Change holds event to September 29, All Right Reserved. Designed and Developed by PenciDesign.
LIVE with Colledge: CU Boulder - Nailing the College Essay
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CU Boulder requires first-year applicants to submit two short personal essays and transfer applicants to submit one personal statement. Applications without essays are considered incomplete and will not be reviewed. Personal essays are the best way for the Office of Admissions to learn about applicants as individuals and to evaluate a student Eligibility to Enroll in Credit Courses. You need a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma to enroll in credit courses. If you are under 22 years of age as of Sept. 15 for fall or Jan. 15 for spring and not officially admitted or enrolled in a CU Boulder degree program, you must meet criteria similar to those of freshmen entering the university CU Boulder requires either the SAT or the ACT for admission consideration. We do not require the ACT Writing Test or the SAT Essay for CU Boulder admission consideration. The highest scores are used in the admission decision. If the same test is taken more than once, the scores are combined on each subsection to give the highest overall score
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