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Argumentative essay on gay marriage rights

Argumentative essay on gay marriage rights

argumentative essay on gay marriage rights

“Gay people are not human.” Satirist Jessica Parker wrote this quote, which is one of the numerous repulsive things Americans have said about gay people. On June 26, all fifty states in the United States legalized gay marriage (Diamond and Vogue). Even with this being legal now, many people still find this concept inhuman and barbaric Jun 23,  · Body- The body of your essay is the place where you delve deeper into the argument. If you’re writing a gay rights persuasive essay, show the readers why they should support this union. Make sure that the readers will understand your reasons for being pro-gay marriages. You should also do the same when writing a gay marriage should be legal essay. Each point that you make in this Jan 04,  · Gay Marriages Argumentative Essay Outline. Introduction. Thesis: Same-sex marriage should be legal because it is a fundamental human right. Body. Paragraph 1: Same-sex marriage provides legal rights protection to same sex couples on such matters as taxes, finances, and health care

Gay Marriage Persuasive Essay - Words | Internet Public Library

According to basic human rights, all of us are born equal, and each person has a range of their unalienable rights. Different countries have put in force constitutions, declarations, law books and other legal documents that proclaim equality. However, numerous essays on gay rights prove that the situation is quite the opposite: LGBT communities in the modern world face severe discrimination.

So, argumentative essay on gay marriage rights, the problem is far more versatile and is not limited to gay rights because it also concerns lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people. PurEssay investigates the issue and provides you with a detailed essay on gay rights. We want to begin with the fact that discrimination in any form is already wrong. Discrimination on a sexual basis is even a more difficult issue as it deals argumentative essay on gay marriage rights personal affairs of people, something that we do not speak openly about.

However, ignoring the problem will only aggravate the situation, which, according to statistics, is already unpleasant, argumentative essay on gay marriage rights. They are too afraid of speaking about themselves, fearing that words and actions will only make the situations worse. Further statistics are unsatisfactory, too. Traditional families are unwilling to accept teenagers with an unconventional sexual orientation. The figures indicate that in our society a persistent violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights invoked by the United Nations General Assembly has become a norm.

But the first thing people should understand is that LGBT representatives have not chosen such a lifestyle. It was in their nature, something that none of us can manage at will. Straight people seem to have other arguments, which we will present below in our gay rights essay. The first argument that often comes to mind is that a marriage must be about procreationwhile gays are unable to give birth to children.

This statements becomes a feeble reason once we realize that marriage between infertile couples are still acceptable and do not evoke any prejudice. Here comes another argument, which is closely related to the first one: same sex couples create an unfavorable environment for bringing up children. In other words, an adopted kid or that of one person in a gay marriage will not get proper moral education is such a family. Here LGBT opponents fail to mention that statistics show no difference between children from straight and same sex families.

Psychologists emphasize that what really matters is love inside a family, not the gender of parents. Another argument for your possible gay rights argumentative essay can be that gay marriages may argumentative essay on gay marriage rights to the decrease in morals and give way to other inappropriate sexual behavior: incest, polygamy, bestial marriage and so on.

A counterargument would be that all the listed examples present a personal choice, while LGBT people deal with a force stronger than their will. It is crucial to comprehend that the LGBT community does not ask for any specific rights, different from those of straight people. On the contrary, all their claims are legal and common:.

The argumentative essay on gay marriage rights of gay marriage seems a very controversial point to PurEssay team. It is a great topic for a gay rights persuasive essay because each person will have their own opinion on this issue. The current state of things shows that in many countries same sex marriage is outside the law. More information can be found on Wikipedia.

Moreover, there exist countries where the mere fact of being gay is illegal, according to an article from Business Insider. For the most part these are African and Middle East states. Although legalizing LGBT marriages is up to the government, the church too has its own point of view on the issue. The clergy believe that God approves only marriages between a man and a woman.

It means that the church is strictly against LGBT relationships; moreover, it does not support child adoption by gay couples, which would be legalized along with the allowance of gay marriage. The argument is the same: the child would lack the proper upbringing. It is the only answer one would expect from such a conservative institution, but the decision, as we already pointed out, is not up to the church.

Now we will show you why the legalization of gay marriage is crucial for the development of our society. The main reason is that couples who are not officially married have less social rights. For example, in hospital they cannot visit their boyfriends and girlfriends in case only the members of the family are allowed to visit. They cannot adopt a child; they cannot travel as a married couple. Discrimination happens everywhere, even on an everyday level, in situations that seem natural and trouble-free for straight people.

In conclusion, argumentative essay on gay marriage rights, LGBT people experience obvious violations of their rights in our modern society. Statistics show that they are not welcome in families, at school and at work. Arguments against gay marriage are unsubstantial and can be crossed out by several references to the Declaration of Human Rights. However, inconveniences that same sex couples experience on a daily basis make it clear that only the argumentative essay on gay marriage rights of gay marriage can solve their problems.

Having provided you with a gay marriage rights essay, our company reminds you that you can order our professional writing services anytime. Our writers can manage an essay argumentative essay on gay marriage rights a similar popular topic or create a unique work in accordance with your personal requirements.

Toggle navigation. Home Services Blog Order Now Login. Essay on Gay Rights, argumentative essay on gay marriage rights. Statistics We want to begin with the fact that discrimination in any form is already wrong. Arguments against gay marriage The first argument that often comes to mind is that a marriage must be about procreationwhile gays are unable to give birth to children. On the contrary, all their claims are legal and common: the right to equality; the right to freedom from violence; the right to life; the right to freedom of movement; the right to justice; the right to private life; the right to liberty of speech; the right to freedom of belief; the right to education and so on.

The legalization of gay marriage The legalization of gay marriage seems a very controversial point to PurEssay team, argumentative essay on gay marriage rights. Calculate Your Price. Recent posts.

Libertarian Views on Same-Sex Marriage

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Gay Marriage Argument Essay - Topics, Writing Tips, Outline

argumentative essay on gay marriage rights

Wesley King Grammar and Composition lesson 75 Argumentative Essay on Gay Marriage Marriage is the ceremonial binding of two people, male and female, into one couple. Historically, marriage has been the institution when a man and a woman join together with the promise of love, devotion, to always stay together, to be there for each other, to take care of one another and to start a family together Argumentative Essay About Polygamy Words | 4 Pages. When gay marriage rights were a “hot topic”, the people on the opposing side believed that it challenged the original concept of what marriage was ‘supposed’ to be “Gay people are not human.” Satirist Jessica Parker wrote this quote, which is one of the numerous repulsive things Americans have said about gay people. On June 26, all fifty states in the United States legalized gay marriage (Diamond and Vogue). Even with this being legal now, many people still find this concept inhuman and barbaric

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